How to Conduct Surveys in Slack

If you're like me, you've probably been using Slack for a while now. It's a great tool for team communication, but did you know it's also perfect for conducting surveys? That's right - with just a few simple steps, you can gather feedback, opinions, or even votes from your team members right within Slack.

You might be wondering, "How do I do a survey in Slack?" Don't worry, I've got you covered. In this article, we'll delve into the ins and outs of creating and conducting surveys in Slack. We'll look at the different options available, from simple polls to more complex surveys, and how to get the most out of each.

So, whether you're looking to get feedback on a new project, gauge interest in an upcoming event, or just want to know what everyone's favorite pizza topping is, Slack surveys are a quick and easy way to get the information you need. Stick around and I'll show you how it's done.

What is Slack?

Slack is a powerful team communication tool that has revolutionized the way teams connect and collaborate. It's more than just a chat platform. Slack integrates with a multitude of other tools and platforms, transforming it into a central hub for all your team's communication needs.

With Slack, you're not just sending messages. You're sharing files, conducting meetings, coordinating tasks, and even managing projects. Slack's robust features make it a must-have tool for teams of all sizes and industries.

Let's talk about surveys. One of the lesser-known but incredibly valuable features of Slack is its ability to conduct surveys. Whether it's gathering feedback, gauging opinions, or casting votes, Slack surveys make it easy to collect and analyze responses in real-time. We'll dive more into this in the following sections.

Benefits of Using Surveys in Slack

Surveys in Slack offer a unique advantage over traditional methods. They save time, increase engagement, and provide real-time feedback. The main benefits of using surveys in Slack include:

  • Time Efficiency: With Slack, there's no need to switch between different platforms or tools. You can create, distribute, and analyze surveys right within the application. This seamless integration saves valuable time and boosts productivity.
  • Increased Engagement: Surveys in Slack are easy to respond to. They appear directly in the chat, encouraging team members to participate. This simplicity increases response rates and ensures more accurate data collection.
  • Real-Time Feedback: One of the standout features of Slack surveys is the real-time feedback. As soon as a team member responds, you'll see their input. This instant feedback allows for dynamic discussions and swift decision making.

Integrating surveys into your Slack channels fosters a culture of transparency and collaboration. It's an effective way to gauge team sentiment, gather insights, and make informed decisions. Plus, the simplicity of Slack surveys makes them accessible to everyone, regardless of their tech prowess.

Using surveys in Slack is a practical and efficient way to keep your finger on the pulse of your team. They're a valuable tool in any team's communication toolkit, facilitating better understanding and communication. By harnessing the power of Slack surveys, you'll be better equipped to steer your team in the right direction.

Setting up a Survey Channel

Creating a dedicated channel for surveys on Slack is a brilliant step to streamline communication. It's simple, efficient, and aids in maintaining a clean workspace. Here's how you do it.

Step 1: Create a New Channel On your Slack workspace, click on the "+" symbol next to "Channels" in the sidebar. You'll then select "Create a Channel".

Step 2: Name Your Channel You'll be prompted to name your channel. It's a good idea to choose a name that reflects its purpose. For instance, you could name it "Team_Surveys".

Step 3: Set Your Channel to Public or Private decide whether you want this channel to be public or private. Remember, public channels are accessible to everyone in your workspace, while private channels are not.

Step 4: Invite Members You'll get an option to invite members to your channel. It's crucial to invite all the team members who will be participating in the surveys.

Choosing the Right Survey Tool

Finding the right survey tool for Slack is crucial. It'll dictate the kind of surveys you can create, the way results are gathered, and how the data can be analyzed. There's a vast array of options available - it's vital to choose one that fits your team's needs.

Several survey tools integrate seamlessly with Slack. They include Simple Poll, Polly, and SurveyMonkey. Each comes with its unique set of features and benefits, so it's key to understand what each one offers.

  • Simple Poll allows for quick, straightforward polling within Slack. It's best for fast decision-making and gauging team sentiments on minor issues.
  • Polly is more comprehensive. Besides creating polls, Polly offers templates for different kinds of surveys and automated scheduling options. It provides more detailed analytics, making it suitable for complex surveys and feedback collection.
  • SurveyMonkey is known for its robust survey capabilities. It offers a variety of question types, custom branding, and advanced analytics. It's the go-to tool for in-depth surveys and research.

Remember, the goal isn't to pick the tool with the most features but to choose one that satisfies your team's requirements. It's crucial to keep in mind the specific needs of your team - whether it's simplicity, flexibility, or detailed analytics. Making the right choice will enhance your team's communication, foster collaboration, and help you make informed decisions.

In the next section, we'll delve into how to use these tools effectively within Slack. Stay tuned to learn more about creating, distributing, and analyzing surveys in Slack.

Creating a Survey in Slack

Creating a survey in Slack is effortless and intuitive. First up, you'll need a survey tool. There are several excellent options out there including Simple Poll, Polly, and SurveyMonkey. Each of these offers different features and benefits to meet your team's specific needs.

Simple Poll is a popular choice for its simplicity. With it, you can create straightforward, multiple-choice surveys right within your Slack workspace. This tool is ideal for quick, informal polls.

If you're seeking more extensive features like anonymous voting or scheduling, Polly might be your go-to. This tool also provides analytics which can be useful for understanding trends and patterns in team responses.

For more comprehensive survey needs, SurveyMonkey integrates well with Slack. It offers a wide range of question types and advanced survey design options.

Once you've chosen a tool, you'll integrate it into your Slack workspace. This involves visiting the Slack App Directory, finding your chosen survey tool, and clicking 'Install'.

With the tool installed, you can now create a survey. Typically, this involves typing a slash command (like /poll or /polly), followed by your question and potential answers. The survey then appears directly in the chat, encouraging team members to participate.

Remember, the goal of these surveys is to foster transparency, increase engagement, and offer real-time feedback. So, take full advantage of the features available to you. Craft thought-provoking questions, analyze the results, and use the insights gathered to make informed decisions. You'll find that surveys in Slack are not only a practical way to gauge team sentiment but also a powerful tool for facilitating better understanding and communication within your team.

Sending and Collecting Survey Responses

Once you've crafted your perfect survey using Simple Poll, Polly, or SurveyMonkey, it's time to send it out to your team. But how? Well, it's straightforward. You simply post the survey in the relevant Slack channel. It could be a general channel for company-wide surveys or specific project channels for more targeted inquiries.

Just like any other message, team members will see the survey pop up in their Slack. They can respond directly in the channel, making it an effortless process. What's more, all responses are anonymous, ensuring honest feedback without fear of judgment.

Onto collecting responses. The beauty of conducting surveys in Slack is that you get real-time results. There's no need to wait for days to collect and analyze responses. As soon as a team member answers the survey, you'll see it. This immediate feedback allows for dynamic conversations and quicker decision-making, enhancing overall team efficiency.

Here's a pro-tip: keep your surveys short and simple. Long, complex surveys can be daunting, and response rates might dwindle. So, aim for concise, straightforward questions that team members can answer quickly.

Finally, most survey tools integrated with Slack offer data visualization features, such as graphs and charts. These visual representations make it easier to understand the results at a glance and share insights with the team.

Remember, the goal isn't just to collect data. It's about using these insights to improve team communication, collaboration, and ultimately, productivity. Whether it's a simple pulse check or a detailed project review, surveys in Slack can offer valuable insights that drive informed decision-making. So, start leveraging this feature to its fullest potential.

Analyzing Survey Results in Slack

Once you've sent out your survey and collected responses, the next step is analyzing the data. Slack's integrated survey tools simplify this process. You'll see feedback in real-time, a feature that fosters dynamic discussions and quicker decision-making.

The platform's data visualization capabilities come to play here. These tools can transform raw data into easily understandable charts and graphs. It's not only about reading the data but also interpreting it.

Here's a quick guide on how to analyze survey results in Slack:

  1. Access the survey results: You'll find this in the same channel where the survey was posted.
  2. Examine individual responses: To gain a deeper understanding of each individual's feedback.
  3. Utilize data visualization: Use the available tools to translate your data into charts or graphs. This makes it easier to identify patterns and trends.
  4. Share your findings: Post your insights back into the Slack channel. This encourages collaboration and open discussions.

Remember, the goal here isn't just to gather data. It's about using this information to enhance team communication and productivity. By understanding the team's thoughts and feelings, you're in a better position to make informed decisions that benefit everyone.

So, make the most of Slack's survey feature. It's a potent tool for gathering and analyzing feedback, providing valuable insights for your team.

Best Practices for Conducting Surveys in Slack

Best practices can enhance the effectiveness of your Slack surveys. Let's delve into a few strategies you can adopt.

Creating a Clear Goal is your first step. Before launching a survey, it's essential to identify what you hope to achieve. This will guide your question selection and ensure you gather the right information.

Choosing the Right Channel is crucial. It's advisable to post your survey where it's most relevant. This will increase response rates and provide more valuable insights.

Crafting Effective Questions comes next. Keep them clear, concise, and directly related to your goal. This makes it easier for team members to respond quickly and accurately.

Analyzing Data Effectively is key. Slack's data visualization capabilities are there to help you transform raw survey data into easily understandable charts and graphs. This will make it easier to identify patterns and trends.

Sharing Findings Back into the Slack channel is a must. It encourages collaboration and open discussions.

  • Remember, the goal of using surveys in Slack is to enhance team communication and productivity by leveraging valuable insights for informed decision-making.
  • Also, reminders can increase survey participation. A simple nudge can spur team members to complete the survey.
  • Finally, consider the timing of your survey. It should be at a time that is convenient for your team members for optimal response rates.

However, each team is different. Therefore, it's important to continually assess and tweak your approach based on your team's unique needs and feedback.

Celebrating Workiversaries in your digital workspace

If you use Slack and want to celebrate workiversaries in your digital workspace, there are several ways you can make it special. One option is to create a dedicated channel for workiversary announcements where team members can share their milestones and congratulate each other. If you want to make sure no work anniversary goes unnoticed, you can use a Slack app such as CultureBot.

CultureBot automatically sends a celebratory message on the day of your employee's work anniversaries. Work anniversaries can be collected by the bot itself inside of Slack or imported via a CSV spreadsheet.

CultureBot allows you to effortlessly recognize an employee's work anniversary through hand-written notes and stunning graphics sent straight to Slack.


So there you have it. Slack's survey feature is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance team communication and productivity. It's all about sending surveys in the right channels, collecting real-time feedback, and making quick, informed decisions. Remember, the key to a successful survey in Slack is a clear goal, effective questions, and strategic timing. Don't forget to analyze the data using Slack's integrated tools and share your findings back into the channel. This not only promotes open discussions but also helps identify patterns and trends. Keep in mind, it's crucial to continually assess your approach, tweaking it based on your team's unique needs and feedback. The end game? Leveraging valuable insights to foster informed decision-making. So go ahead, start using surveys in Slack, and watch your team's productivity soar!
